Approved Regulations

Dental Assisting Exams, California Code of Regulations, Division 10, Title 16, Sections, 1080, 1080.1, 1080.2, 1080.3, 1081, 1081.1, 1081.2, 1081.3, 1081.4, 1082, 1082.1, 1082.3, and 1083

Uniform Standards for Substance–Abusing Licensees, California Code of Regulations Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1018.01 and 1018.02

Section 100 Changes: Repeal of Permit Processing Times

Disciplinary Guidelines and Exceptions for Uniform Standards Related to Substance–Abusing Licensees, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1018

Temporary Licenses for Military Spouses or Partners, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1006

Replacement Licenses or Permits and Inactive Licenses, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1012, 1017.2, and 1021

Certificate of Compliance – Dentists Initiating and Administering Vaccines, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1066

Consolidated Continuing Education, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1016, 1016.2, and 1017

Anesthesia and Sedation, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1017.1, 1021, 1043, 1043.1, 1043.2, 1043.3, 1043.4, 1043.5, 1043.6, 1043.7, 1043.8, 1043.8.1 , 1043.9 , 1043.9.1 , 1043.9.2 , 1044, 1044.1, 1044.2, 1044.3, 1044.4, 1044.5, & 1070.8 and a new Article 5.1

Emergency Regulations—Dentists Initiating and Administering Vaccines, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1066

California Dentistry Law and Ethics Examination, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1031

Diversion Evaluation Committee Membership, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1020.4

Effective Date: June 10, 2020

  • Approved by Office of Administrative Law: June 21, 2021
  • Regulatory Action No. 2021–0507–02N
  • Filed with Secretary of State: June 21, 2021
  • Effective Date: June 21, 2021

Citations and Fines, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1023.2 and 1023.7

Substantial Relationship Criteria and Criteria for Evaluating Rehabilitation, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1019 and 1020

Criminal Conviction Inquiry Section 100

Effective Date: June 10, 2020

  • Approved by Office of Administrative Law: June 10, 2020
  • Regulatory Action No. 2020–0528–02N
  • Filed with Secretary of State: June 10, 2020
  • Effective Date: June 10, 2020

Fee Increase 2016, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1021 and 1022

Discovery and Filing Date, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Sections 1001.1 and 1001.2

Abandonment of Applications, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1004

Delegation to Board's Executive Officer, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Division 10, Section 1001

Specialty Advertising, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Sections 1054, 1054.1, and 1054.2

Portfolio Examination Requirements, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Sections 1021, 1028, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1032.1, 1032.2, 1032.3, 1032.4, 1032.5, 1032.6, 1032.7, 1032.8, 1032.9, 1032.10, 1033, 1033.1, 1034, 1034.1, 1035, 1035.1, 1035.2, 1036, 1036.01, 1036.1, 1036.2, 1036.3, 1037, 1038, and 1039

Revocation for Sexual Misconduct, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Section 1018

Dentistry Fee Increase, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Section 1021

Uniform Standards Relating to Substance Abusing Licensees, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Sections 1018 and 1018.1

Notice of Licensure by the Dental Board, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Section 1065

Consumer Protection Enforcement Initiative, California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Sections 1018.05 and 1020

Minimum Standards for Infection Control, California Code of Regulations, Section 1005

Dental Assisting Educational Programs and Courses, California Code of Regulations, Sections 1070, 1070.1, 1070.2, 1070.6, 1070.7, 1070.8, and 1071

Retroactive Fingerprinting of Licensees, California Code of Regulations Sections 1007, 1008, and 1017.2