Education Provider Applicants

How to Become a Dental Assisting Program or Course Provider

Required Educational Programs

Registered Dental Assistants (RDAs) can qualify for licensure by graduating from a Board-approved educational program in registered dental assisting; Registered Dental Assistants in Extended Functions (RDAEFs) must graduate from a Board-approved extended functions postsecondary educational program. (BPC §§ 1752.1 and 1753.) Requirements to apply for licensure can be found on the Applicants page.

Required Educational Courses

  • Applicants may be required to complete additional courses from educational providers approved by the Board. These courses include, but are not limited to, courses in the Dental Practice Act, coronal polishing, and radiation safety. (BPC §§ 1645.1 and 1750.)
  • All dental assistants are required to successfully complete a Board-approved eight-hour infection control course before performing any basic supportive dental procedures involving potential exposure to blood, saliva, or other potentially infectious materials. (BPC § 1750.)
  • All dental personnel are required to pass a Board-approved radiation safety course prior to the exposure of X-rays on patients. (BPC § 1656.)
  • Dental Sedation Assistants must complete a Board-approved dental sedation assistant course. (BPC § 1750.4.)
  • Orthodontic Assistants must complete a Board-approved orthodontic assistant course and a Board-approved ultrasonic scaling course. (BPC § 1750.2.)
  • To apply pit and fissure sealants, or perform ultrasonic scaling, licensees must complete courses in those areas from course providers approved by the Board. (BPC § 1752.6.)

Requirements to apply for licensure can be found on the Applicants page.

Providers Must Apply to the Board for Program or Course Approval

The Board may approve, provisionally approve, or deny an application. Providers receiving provisional approval must notify their students of this status. Programs and courses may be subject to inspection at any time, and records are subject to inspection at any time. The Board may withdraw approval at any time.

The application must include a detailed program or course outline, as well as the criteria used to evaluate student progress. The application must also include documentation that the program or course meets other requirements. (CCR, title 16, §§ 1070 and 1070.1.) These include, but are not limited to:

  • The program or course director is licensed and actively participates in the administration of the program or course.
  • Faculty and instructional staff have been licensed or permitted for at least two years and have experience in the subject matter they are teaching.
  • Instruction is given at the educational facility or facilities identified in the application.
  • Facilities and class scheduling allow each student to develop minimum competency in all duties for which the program or course is approved to instruct.
  • The program or course complies with Board, local, state, and federal infection control requirements.

NOTE: Due to the number of program and course applications received, it can take 6–8 weeks or more at this time for an application to be reviewed.

Applications for Educational Program Approval

BPC section 1614 authorizes the Board to adopt regulations to establish standards for the approval of dental assisting programs. CCR, title 16, sections 1070.2 and 1071 require all RDA and RDAEF educational programs in California to receive Board approval prior to operation. RDA programs must be no less than 800 hours, and RDAEF programs must be no less than 410 hours. For more information on the requirements for program approval, see CCR, title 16, sections 1070.2 and 1071.

Applications for Educational Course Approval

Note for Radiation Safety Course Providers: Radiation safety programs located outside of California are not eligible for approval.

BPC section 1614 authorizes the Board to adopt regulations to establish standards for the approval of dental assisting courses. For more information on the requirements for course approval, see the following sections:

  • Coronal polishing: 16 CCR, title 16, section 1070.4
  • Dental sedation assistant: 16 CCR, title 16, section 1070.8
  • Infection control: BPC, section 1755; 16 CCR, title 16, section 1070.6
  • Orthodontic assistant: 16 CCR, title 16, section 1070.7
  • Pit and fissure: 16 CCR, title 16, section 1070.3
  • Radiation safety: BPC, section 1754.5; 16 CCR, title 16, sections 1014 and 1014.1
  • Ultrasonic scaling: 16 CCR, title 16, section 1070.5

For questions about Board approval of dental assisting educational programs and courses, contact the License and Program Compliance Unit by sending a message to the Board.

Approved Educational Programs and Courses

Examination Statistics