Notice of Licensure by the Dental Board

(Effective November 28, 2012)

Notice of Licensure by the Dental Board

On November 28, 2012 a new regulation, required by Business and Professions Code Sections 138 and 1611.3, will go into effect requiring licensed dentists engaged in the practice of dentistry to provide conspicuous notification that dentists in California are licensed and regulated by the Dental Board of California. The notice is required to be prominently posted in a conspicuous location accessible to public view on the premises where the dentist provides the licensed services. The notice is required to be in at least 48-point type font and include the following statement and information:

Dentists are licensed and regulated
by the Dental Board of California
(877) 729-7789

The notice may be printed in sign form from the link below. For more information, please contact Genie Albertsen sending a message to the Board or via telephone at (916) 576-1758.

Notice Sign for Printing

Please Note: A change without regulatory effect concerning California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Section 1065 was filed with the Secretary of State on December 4, 2013. For more information and to view the actual regulation, please click here.


Where should the signage be posted?
The notice shall be provided by prominently posting the notice in a conspicuous location accessible to public view on the premises where the dentist provides the licensed services, in which case the notice shall be in at least 48-point type font.

How do I comply if my practice setting is not a traditional dental office?
Dentists are responsible for the implementation of this regulation. This means you must make sure, regardless of practice setting, that the regulation is being complied with. Probably, the easiest way is to make sure the necessary sign is posted in an area where patients are likely to see it, e.g., waiting room, discharge location.

Are there any exceptions to the requirement?
There are no exceptions to this requirement.

Must disclosure be made in other languages?

Can I post the sign or provide the wording for the permissible options in another language?
Yes. Although the sign or other permissible notification must be in English in order to meet the requirements of the regulation, we encourage you to provide that same sign or information in other languages as well if it will better assist your patient population.

Does the regulation apply to hospital and clinic settings?
Yes. Again, this regulation applies to every location where dental work is practiced in California, and that includes hospitals, nursing homes and dental clinics. It is the responsibility of the dentist who practices there to see that this regulation is complied with.

Does the dentist’s name have to be disclosed along with the other, mandated information?
No. The only information required is the exact language in the regulation.

Are we still required per Business and Professions Code, Section 1700 (c) to display the name of each person employed in the practice of dentistry?
Yes. The new regulation only refers to the Notice of Licensure by the Dental Board.

If a California dentist is offering dental services outside of California, is he/she required to provide this notice to out-of-state patients?
No, the Dental Board of California only has jurisdiction over what occurs in California.