Application to Become a Board–Approved Registered Provider of Continuing Education

The Dental Board of California (Board) issues Registered Provider (RP) permits to applicants who wish to offer continuing education (CE) courses required for renewal of a license or permit pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 16, section 1017.

NOTE: The Board does not grant prior approval of individual CE courses with the exception of the following three mandatory courses required for renewal: Infection Control, California Dental Practice Act, and Responsibilities and Requirements for Prescribing Schedule II opioids (dentists only).

Application Requirements

  • Submit a completed application online through BreEZe or by mail using a paper application. The paper application can be found at the following link: Application for Continuing Education Provider Permit. It should be mailed to the following address:

    Dental Board of California
    2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1550
    Sacramento, CA 95815

  • Pay a non–refundable application fee of $410.00.
  • Provide a valid email on the application form next to the “Name of contact person of provider organization”.
  • Submit a sample of an outline, summary, or brochure pertaining to one course you wish to offer. If requesting approval of a mandatory course listed above, you must submit a full, detailed, in–depth course outline or PowerPoint for each mandatory course you wish to offer. The outline or PowerPoint must properly identify each required topic as listed in the regulations.
    • Mandatory Courses must meet the requirements of CCR, title 16, section 1005 and section 1016, subsections (b)(1)(A), (B), and (D).
    • Holders of existing RP permits may request approval to offer mandatory courses. They must submit to the Board the required outline or PowerPoint for the course(s) along with an email or a letter identifying their current RP permit number and the mandatory course(s) they wish to offer.
  • NOTE: Additional application fees are NOT required for holders of existing RP permits who request approval to offer mandatory courses.

Renewing your Permit

A Registered Provider permit expires every two years and must be renewed through BreEZe. Meet the following requirements to renew:

  • Submit a completed Continuing Education Provider Biennial Report form.
  • Submit a copy of a sample certificate. (CCR, title 16, subsections (h)(1) and (h)(7).)

    These documents should be attached to the renewal application on BreEZe or they can be mailed separately to the following address:

    Dental Board of California
    2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1550
    Sacramento, CA 95815

    The renewal will be considered INCOMPLETE until all documentation is received.

  • Submit the renewal fee of $325.00.

NOTE: Renewal postcards will be mailed to each provider at the Address of Record of the provider that is on file with the Board.

Processing Time

An application may be approved in as little as 30 days if the application is complete and submitted with all required documentation.

For more information, call (916) 263–2300 or send a message to the Board.