News Information
- Alert: Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Fee Increase for Licensees Expiring on and after July 1, 2025
- Alert: Notice of Public Posting of Addresses of Record for all Licensees issued by the Dental Board of California- March 2025
- Alert: Examination Fees Raised for Dentistry Law and Ethics Examination and RDA General and Law and Ethics Examination
- Implementation of SB 1453 Radiation Safety Requirements Delayed Until Further Notice
- New Requirement for Unlicensed Dental Assistants to Complete Infection Control Course, Effective January 1, 2025
- Credit Card Service Fee Effective – January 2, 2025
- Alert: New Dental Assisting Applications Coming January 1, 2025
- Alert: SB 1453 Changes to Elective Facial Cosmetic Surgery Permits Become Effective – January 1, 2025
- Alert: SB 1453 Changes to Anesthesia and Sedation Permits Become Effective – January 1, 2025
- Alert for Dental Assisting Programs and Course Providers
- SB 1453 (Chapter 483, Statutes of 2024), the Dental Board of California Sunset Bill – September 30, 2024
- Dental Board of California Fraud Alert – September 26, 2024
- Avoid suspicious links. Hover over links to see the actual URL. If it looks suspicious or doesn’t match the claimed sender, don’t click.
- Be skeptical and approach unsolicited emails with caution.
- Treat email attachments with caution.
- Beware of urgency.
- Verify that the email address is sent from a Board email with a Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) email address. For example, most DCA emails end with
- Send a message to the Board.
- Read the Board’s fraud alert for more tips and for directions on contacting the Board to inquire if you are the subject of an official investigation.
- Expedited Licensure Application Processing for Service Members Enrolled in Skillbridge
- Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Version Update – March 2024
- Dental Board of California Fraud Alert – March 14, 2024
- Avoid suspicious links. Hover over links to see the actual URL. If it looks suspicious or doesn’t match the claimed sender, don’t click.
- Be skeptical and approach unsolicited emails with caution.
- Treat email attachments with caution.
- Beware of urgency.
- Verify that the email address is sent from a Board email with a Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) email address. For example, most DCA emails end with
- Send a message to the Board.
- Read the Board’s fraud alert for more tips and for directions on contacting the Board to inquire if you are the subject of an official investigation.
- Update on Dental Assisting Statistics – February 2024
- Assembly Bill 936 Expands the Eligibility of Dental Students to Provide Free Dental Care
- Fingerprint Requirement for License Renewal – February 2, 2024
- Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Version Update – Effective August 1, 2024
- Temporary Licensure for Spouses or Domestic Partners of Active-Duty Military Personnel — Effective July 1, 2023
- Important Notice: Changes to Continuing Education Courses Required for License Renewal Effective January 1, 2023
- Senate Bill (SB) 501, Anesthesia and Sedation Regulations Approval
Attention Radiation Safety Course Providers and RDA Program Providers:
There will be a delay in implementing the new radiation safety course requirements described in the Dental Board of California's Sunset Bill, SB 1453 (Ashby, Chapter 483, Statutes of 2024), and codified as Business and Professions Code (BPC), section 1754.5.
Until further notice, Board-approved radiation safety course providers are required to continue providing instruction pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 16, sections 1014 and 1014.1. Board-approved RDA program providers are required to continue doing so as well, pursuant to CCR, title 16, section 1070.2, subsection (d)(9)(A).
For more information on Board-approved dental assisting educational programs and courses, contact the Board's License and Program Compliance Unit by sending a message to the Board.
Attention Dentist Licensees:
The Dental Board of California's Sunset Bill, SB 1453 (Ashby, Chapter 483, Statutes of 2024) requires unlicensed dental assistants to complete a Board–approved 8–hour course in infection control (IC) prior to performing any basic supportive dental procedures involving potential exposure to blood, saliva, or other potentially infectious materials. The employer of the unlicensed dental assistant is responsible for ensuring that they complete the IC course. As of January 1, 2025, this requirement will be existing law, Business and Professions Code (BPC), section 1750, subdivision (c).
NOTE: Dental assistants who have evidence of completion of a Board–approved IC course do not need to retake the course.
SB 1453 also changes IC course requirements. However, implementation of these changes has been delayed. Accordingly, Board–approved IC course providers are required to continue providing instruction pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 16, section 1070.6. For more information, consult the materials of the Board meeting of November 7–8, 2024. A list of Board–approved IC course providers is available on the Approved Educational Programs and Courses webpage of the Board's website.
For more information on Board–approved dental assisting educational programs and courses, contact the Board's License and Program Compliance Unit by sending a message to the Board.
Effective January 2, 2025, all online applications and transactions submitted through the BreEZe system that require a fee will be charged a 2.3% non–refundable credit card service fee. This fee will be listed as a separate charge on your account statement.
The Dental Board of California's sunset review bill was chaptered on September 22, 2024. Unless otherwise specified in SB 1453, the changes take effect on January 1, 2025. For more information on the bill, visit the California Legislature website.
The Dental Board of California (Board) has learned of a recent scam aimed at Board licensees. Licensees receive an email asking them to click on a link to an encrypted message. The subject line of the email may say it is regarding your license or an investigation from the Board.
The fake emails may appear to come from the Board and may use fake Board letterhead to add authenticity to the scam. If you receive an email claiming to be from the Board or a Board employee, or asking you to click on a link, please consider the following:
Beginning August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances will be required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using version 4.2B of the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) format. On and after this date, data submitted using the current CURES ASAP version 4.1 format will no longer be accepted.
Prompt action by licensees who dispense controlled substances is recommended. Technical implementation of this update to data submission software may take considerable time. Contact your data submission software provider and confirm they are preparing for this upcoming ASAP version change.
The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has shared information about the ASAP format change and suggested action steps for data submitters. Please visit the OAG’s CURES Website frequently for updates and informational bulletins.
For information about CURES, visit DCA’s CURES information page.
The Dental Board of California (Board) has learned of a recent scam aimed at Board licensees. Licensees receive an email asking them to click on a link to an encrypted message. The subject line of the email may say it is regarding your license or an investigation from the Board.
The fake emails may appear to come from the Board and may use fake Board letterhead to add authenticity to the scam. If you receive an email claiming to be from the Board or a Board employee, or asking you to click on a link, please consider the following:
The Dental Assisting Council Meeting was scheduled to take place on February 8, 2024, but was cancelled. The Dental Board of California is providing the statistical reports that would have been presented at the February 2024 Council Meeting to the public to ensure the information is shared timely.
Update on Dental Assisting
Examination Statistics
Update on Dental Assisting
Licensing Statistics
Update on RDA and RDAEF Educational Programs and
Courses Applications
Assembly Bill (AB) 936 (Wood, Chapter 550, Statutes of 2023) expands the pool of dental students eligible to practice dentistry at free sponsored health care events without being licensed by the Dental Board of California (Board). Eligibility has been extended to dental students who have begun their clinical training at a dental school approved by the Board. (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 1626.6.) In addition to other requirements, AB 936 specifies that for clinical procedures, the designated supervising faculty is responsible for assessing the patient treated by the student and determining if the assigned student has the skill level necessary to provide that patient care. This bill took immediate effect on October 8, 2023, to provide needed care to underserved people at free health care and dental clinics and provide dental students with the opportunity to learn the importance of giving back to their communities.
The following links provide information about free dental health care events in California:
Beginning August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances will be required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using version 4.2B of the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) format. On and after this date, data submitted using the current CURES ASAP version 4.1 format will no longer be accepted.
Prompt action by licensees who dispense controlled substances is recommended. Technical implementation of this update to data submission software may take considerable time. Contact your data submission software provider and confirm they are preparing for this upcoming ASAP version change.
The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has shared information about the ASAP format change and suggested action steps for data submitters. Please visit the OAG's CURES Website frequently for updates and informational bulletins.
For information about CURES, visit DCA's CURES information page.
Effective July 1, 2023, the Dental Board of California and all other Department of Consumer Affairs licensing boards and bureaus are required to grant temporary licensure to the spouse or domestic partner of an active-duty military member stationed in California if the applicant is currently licensed and holds an active and unrestricted license in another state with the same scope of practice as the profession in California for which they would like to practice. This applicant population also receives expedited processing and initial application and license fee waivers. Applications for this temporary licensure are available through the board or bureau with jurisdiction over the type of license being sought.
For the requirements and additional information, please visit