License Renewals - Licensed Dentists
Renew Your License On Line
Licenses expire on the last day of the birth month of the licensee every two years, per Business and Professions Code, Section 1715. If the licensee's birth year is an even number, his or her license will expire during even-numbered years. If the licensee's birth year is an odd number, his or her license will expire during odd-numbered years. There is no grace period for a dentist in active practice, although a delinquency fee will not be assessed until the renewal is more than 30 days late. A licensee who practices after the expiration date without renewing is considered to be practicing without a license.
The Board will no longer mail renewal notices and will instead mail a reminder postcard to all license and permit holders. Renewal reminder postcards are mailed approximately 90 days before the expiration date. If a renewal postcard is not received, please visit the BreEZe webpage at to renew. Renewals will no longer be accepted by mail. If you do not have a BreEZe account, select “New User” to create a new account and link your license(s) and permit(s). License and permit holders are responsible for renewing regardless of having received the renewal postcard or not.
Licensed dentists, registered dental assistants, and registered dental assistants in extended functions are required to complete healthcare survey
- Recent legislation (AB 269) was signed into California law that requires the Dental Board of California (Board) to collect data from all licensees with the purpose of identifying areas in California that are underserved with professionals with cultural or linguistic competencies in the dental health care field. Effective January 1, 2009, all initial licensure applicants and license renewal applicants will be required to report the following information to the Board pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 1715.5 as follows:
- Completion of any advanced educational programs accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation in a dental specialty recognized by the American Dental Association [Business & Professions Code § 1715.5(a)]
- Practice or employment status [Business & Professions Code § 1715.5(b)]
- Reporting information regarding cultural background and foreign language proficiency is optional.
- All survey information will be collected and aggregated annually to be reported on the Board web site. For further assistance, please call (916) 263-2300, or send a message to the Board.
Approximate processing times
Renewal Method: On line (BreEZe)
- Update of license status: 48 hours
- Arrival of pocket license: 2-3 weeks
Dentist (DDS) $668.00 active (includes $9.00 CURES fee) or $650.00 inactive
- Delinquent fee $325.00 (30 days after expiration)
Retired/Disabled DDS $347.00 active or $325.00 inactive
- Delinquent fee $162.50 (30 days after expiration)
Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) $100.00
- Delinquent fee $50.00 (30 days after expiration date)
RDA in Extended Functions (RDAEF) $100.00
- Delinquent fee $50.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Additional Office Permit (AO) $250.00
- Delinquent fee $125.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Board-Approved Continuing Education Provider Permit (RP) $325.00
- No delinquent fee
Conscious Sedation Permit (CS) $325.00
- Delinquent fee $162.50 (30 days after expiration date)
Dental Sedation Assistant (DSA) $100.00
- Delinquent fee $50.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Elective Cosmetic Facial Surgery Permit (EFCS) $800.00
- Delinquent fee $400.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Fictitious Name Permit (FNP) $325.00
- Delinquent fee $162.50 (30 days after expiration date)
General Anesthesia Permit (GA and MGA) $325.00
- Delinquent fee $162.50 (30 days after expiration date)
Mobile Dental Clinic Permit (MDC) $100.00
- Delinquent fee $50.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Oral Conscious Sedation for Adult Patient Certificate (OCS-A) $168.00
- Delinquent fee $84.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Oral Conscious Sedation for Minor Patient Certificate (OCS-M) $168.00
- Delinquent fee $84.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Permit (OMS) $650.00
- Delinquent fee $325.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Orthodontic Assistant Permit (OA) $100.00
- Delinquent fee $50.00 (30 days after expiration date)
Special Permit for Faculty (SP) $143.00 (includes $18.00 CURES fee) renewal annually
- Delinquent fee $62.50 (30 days after expiration date)
Please note: The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) fee will decrease from $11 to $9 annually for a period of two years. The decrease will be applied to licenses expiring after July 1, 2023 and is assessed at the time of license renewal on specified licensees of the Dental Board of California that prescribe, order, administer, furnish, or dispense Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V controlled substances.
- Most licensees will see a $18 CURES Fee due to the biennial renewal cycle. The fee covers the reasonable regulatory costs of the Department of Justice for operating and maintaining CURES, a critical element in the state’s effort to address the growing danger of opioid addiction stemming from prescription drug abuse.
- For more information about CURES, visit:
Continuing Education
For information on continuing education requirements, please visit our Continuing Education webpage at Licensed Dentists - Dental Board of California.