Renewal Information

The Board mails a reminder postcard to every license and permit holder approximately 90 days before their license or permit expires. Licenses expire during the second year of a two-year term, on the last day of the birth month of the licensee. [Business and Professions Code (BPC) § 1715.] If you were born in an even-numbered year, your license will expire during even-numbered years. If you were born in an odd-numbered year, your license will expire during odd-numbered years.

There is no grace period for late renewal, although a delinquency fee will not be charged until the renewal is more than 30 days late. Even if you do not receive a reminder postcard, you are responsible for renewing. A licensee who practices with an expired license is considered to be practicing without a license. This is a criminal offense. Your license will be displayed as “Delinquent” when a consumer conducts an online License Search.

A license that is not renewed within five years after its expiration shall be canceled and shall not be renewed, restored, reinstated, or reissued thereafter. Delinquency fees shall not accrue after the license has been canceled pursuant to BPC section 1718.3.

How to Renew

You must renew online using the BreEZe system at Renewals by mail are not accepted. If you do not have a BreEZe account, select New User to create one. You can link licenses and permits to your BreEZe account by selecting the Update Profile tab as shown below.

How to Renew

Renewal Processing Times

Online renewals are processed immediately unless there are missing requirements (deficiencies). Upon approval of the renewal, you will be mailed a new pocket license. Please allow 2–3 weeks for mailing.

Digital copies of licenses are not available. However, your license or permit can be verified online at

Renewal Requirements

NOTE: Renewal requirements may be waived for active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

To renew your license, you must:

  • Pay the Renewal Fee.
  • Satisfactorily complete twenty-five (25) Continuing Education (CE) units.
    NOTE: CE is not required the first time you renew your license.
  • Disclose any license discipline by a governmental agency or other disciplinary body and any criminal conviction(s) since the last renewal.
  • Submit fingerprints if required.
    • Licensees required to submit fingerprints will be notified in writing.
    • Fingerprinting for license renewal is only required once. However, you must answer “yes” on EVERY renewal application, acknowledging that you have furnished a full set of fingerprints.

NOTE: If you were licensed as a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) on or after January 1, 2010, you must successfully complete a pit and fissure sealant course before your second license renewal, in addition to meeting CE requirements for that renewal. [BPC § 1752.6.]

Renewal Fees

The table below includes the fees for RDA, Registered Dental Assistant in Extended Functions (RDAEF), Dental Sedation Assistant (DSA), and Orthodontic Assistant (OA) permit renewal, as well as information on delinquency (late) fees.

License/Permit Fee Late Fee
(Delinquent Fee)
Date of
Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) $100.00 $50.00 30 days after
Registered Dental Assistant in Extended
Functions (RDAEF)
$100.00 $50.00 30 days after
Dental Sedation Assistant (DSA) $100.00 $50.00 30 days after
Orthodontic Assistant Permit (OA) $100.00 $50.00 30 days after

Required HCAI Health Workforce Survey

Effective July 1, 2022, all boards that regulate healing arts licensees are required to request workforce data at the time of license renewal. [BPC § 502.] The required workforce data will be used to inform stakeholders and develop workforce policy. The Department of Consumer Affairs has partnered with the Department of Healthcare Access and Information (HCAI) to collect the data, including the following information:

  • Anticipated year of retirement
  • Area of practice or specialty
  • Location of practice
  • Educational background
  • Gender or gender identity
  • Hours spent in direct patient care
  • Languages spoken
  • National Provider Identifier
  • Ethnicity and/or race
  • Practice setting
  • Sexual orientation
  • Work hours
  • Disability status

When renewing online, you will be prompted to provide this data by completing the HCAI survey. You are not required to answer the questions, but you must indicate “decline to state” for questions you do not answer.

Required Dental Workforce Survey

Effective January 1, 2009, the Board is required to collect data from dental professionals upon license renewal. The purpose is to identify areas in California that are underserved by professionals with cultural or linguistic competencies. [BPC § 1715.5.] The data includes the following information:

When renewing online, you will be prompted to enter this information by completing the dental workforce survey. You may decline to provide the information regarding cultural background and foreign language proficiency, but you must indicate “decline to state” for questions you do not answer. All survey data is aggregated and posted annually on the Board's website.

Renewal with a Continuing Education Waiver for Licensees with a Disability

If you have not practiced in California for more than one year due to a disability, you may renew your license without meeting the continuing education (CE) requirements. [CCR § 1017, subs. (m).] However, you must pay the required renewal fee. To obtain the CE Waiver, you must certify in writing that you are eligible for waiver of the CE requirements. We have provided a courtesy form, which can be found at the following link: Courtesy Form for CE Waiver.

Please Note: A licensee who ceases to be eligible for such waiver shall notify the Board of such and shall comply with the continuing education requirements for subsequent renewal periods.

For information or assistance, call (916) 263-2300 or send a message to the Board.