Explanation of Coronal Polishing
Frequently Asked Questions
- I need a copy of my coronal polishing certificate, but I lost it, what do I do?
- You can request a new certificate from the provider who taught the course.
- I am moving out of state, and the new state needs verification of my coronal polishing certification. I sent the certificate to the Dental Board (Board) to be put on my license, and I no longer have it, what do I do?
- What you are ultimately requesting is a certification of your license. You need to make your request to the Board in writing, along with the $50 fee for a certification of a license. The coronal polishing information will be included in the license certification.
I sent my request for a license certification 2 weeks ago, how long does it take?
- The license certification process takes approximately 4 weeks, plus mailing time.
Approved Courses
Visit our approved courses web page.
Verification of Completion
Verification of completion of coronal polish course is to be retrieved from the provider who taught the course. If the provider does not have record of course completion you need to retake the course. Please see the list of approved courses.
As a licensee, if your coronal polish course certification is documented on your license, you can request a license certification. You can make your request to the Board in writing along with the $50 fee for a certification of a license. The pit and fissure sealant information will be included in the license certification.
For more information, call (916)-263-2300 or send a message to the Board.