Oral Conscious Sedation for Adults Certificate - Licensed Dentists
Business and Professions Code, section 1647.18, defines Oral Conscious Sedation as, "a minimally depressed level of consciousness produced by oral medication that retains the patient's ability to maintain independently and continuously an airway, and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal command. "Oral conscious sedation" does not include dosages less than or equal to the single maximum recommended dose that can be prescribed for home use."
Business and Professions Code sections 1647.18 to 1647.26 and 1680(z), as well as Title 16, California Code of Regulations, section 1044.2, provide specific information regarding Oral Conscious for Adult Patients Certificates.
Applying for an Oral Conscious Sedation for Adult Patients Certificate
The primary requirements for a certificate to administer oral conscious sedation for an adult patient include, but may not be limited to:
- A completed online application via www.breeze.ca.gov or Application for Use of Oral Conscious Sedation on Adult Patients (OCS-C) form.
- A current, active license to practice dentistry in this state, or a current permit issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code, Section 1638 or 1640.
- Provide documentation of one of the following if you do not hold a general anesthesia permit, or a moderate sedation permit:
- Satisfactory completion of a postgraduate program in oral and maxillofacial surgery approved by either the Commission on Dental Accreditation or a comparable organization approved by the board.
- Satisfactory completion of a pediatric dental, periodontics, or general practice residency or other advanced education in a general dentistry program approved by the board.
- Satisfactory completion of a board-approved educational program on oral medications and sedation. Attach a copy of the certificate of completion to your application with a completed Certification of Oral Conscious Sedation Training (OCS-2) form.
According to 16 CCR section 1044.3, the OCS-2 form documents the successful completion of training in oral conscious sedation that meets all the following:
- Minimum of 25 hours of instruction in oral medications and sedation and
- Include a clinical component that:
- Includes at minimum one age-appropriate patient case and
- Allows the applicant to demonstrate personal competency in oral conscious sedation of a patient.
- If the qualification method is a pediatric dental, periodontics, general residency, or other advanced education in a general dentistry program, the applicant must also provide a copy of the certificate of completion or other documentary evidence showing completion of the residency program.
- Non-refundable application fee: $459.00.
The completed Application for Oral Conscious Sedation of Adult Patients (OCS-C) form, non-refundable application fee, and the Certification of Oral Conscious Sedation Training (OCS-2) form can be submitted by online application or by mail to:
Dental Board of California
2005 Evergreen St., Suite 1550
Sacramento, CA 95815
Renewing Your Certificate
Oral Conscious Sedation Certificates for Adult Patients expire when the qualifying license expires and must be renewed every two years. The fee for renewal is $168.00. The Continuing Education requirement for renewal is seven units of approved courses related to oral conscious sedation of adult patients.
For more information, call (916) 263-2300 or send a message to the Board.