Follow-up on Complaints About Licensees

To follow up on your complaint, contact the Complaint Unit of the Dental Board of California (Board). Please be prepared to provide your full name, the case number, and the dentist name (if available). To contact the Complaint Unit:

  • Call the Board at (916) 263-2300 or (877) 729-7789 and press option four (4) for complaints; or
  • Send a message to the Board; or
  • Send a letter requesting the status of the case to:

Dental Board of California
ATTN: Complaint Unit
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1550
Sacramento, CA 95815

To ensure that the success of the investigation is not jeopardized in any way, the details of the investigation remain confidential and are not public record. The Board considers all complaints to be very important. As a result, the complaint review process may take an extended amount of time.

During the review process, documents are gathered from various sources. Once the information is received, Board staff and dental consultants carefully review the complaint and all related documents. After the review, appropriate action is determined. If you have new information not previously sent to the Board, please send it as soon as possible. At the conclusion of the investigation, you will receive a letter regarding the outcome of the complaint.